Sonia Saniour / Marie Mansour / Safa Annous
Zeina Mikhael / Latifé El Hajj |
Rania Hawli
Sciences |
Vicky Chatrieh / Rania Hawli
Rima Naoum
Sport | Juliette Arouadi |
Chant et Musique
Carole Kalkoul
Bricolage |
Lamia Kamari / Janine Chlela
What parents said about Techedu in our 2016 survey…
"A lovely school with a small school feeling." "We are very happy as parents that our son is happy at the school and enjoys coming to school." "My children have made fantastic progress at Hareside, my sincerest thanks to all involved." "I am as ever very impressed with the school." "The school has been massively supporting of my child through difficulties faced due to health problems." "Both of our children are happy and settled and enjoy coming to school. The staff are fantastic and genuinely care about the pupils and their progress. We would always recommend the school as it has developed both of our girls emotionally and socially as well as educating them to the curriculum." "I am very pleased with every aspect of the school and the opportunities it provides. Excellent school with excellent teachers / teaching. I can't thank the school enough for all the support given to students and students during the past 18 months." "Can't comment on how effectively the school deals with bullying as I've not had any experience - I do however think that it would be dealt with in the same manner they deal with everything else – well!" "Fantastic school, fantastic staff - outstanding!" "Hareside is a fantastic school and I am very happy with everything about it." "Highly recommend Hareside. My child has had a great encouragement and teaching all the way to Y6." "students is extremely happy at school and I really appreciate all the extra help and support he receives." "students is my third child at this school and I find the staff friendly and approachable and warm reception and overall feel happy that my boys had the chance to learn here." "I am very happy with students 's progress and he seems to really enjoy school." "students has made great progress and has settled well and made good friends." "A school where our child thrives in both the social and educational environment." "My son is always happy to come into school and tells me he really likes his teacher. He has progressed well this year." "students has settled into nursery with no problems at all. I couldn't be happier!" "Fab! Loving Hareside. Great teachers, great support."